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Railway coal yard covering

In recent years, the pollution of the air has been more and more serious, the threat of the threat and the dust of the coal dust are becoming more and more stressful for the surrounding environment, so the presence of the thermal coal shed is a new transfer for the coal field industry.

  • 28days
  • 1000,0000㎡/mouth
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In recent years, the pollution of the air has been more and more serious, the threat of the threat and the dust of the coal dust are becoming more and more stressful for the surrounding environment, so the presence of the thermal coal shed is a new transfer for the coal field industry. 

storage coal tent

The length of the enclosed coal storage is extended, the interior is not a pillar, it can be piled up in a large amount of coal, and the construction period of the coal deposit is short, which can be quickly removed, and will be used more quickly, greatly saving the cost of the investment cost safety and ventilation storage coal shed, and in the effective control of the dust overflow, the interior is equipped with a ventilation system, which ensures that the indoor ventilation is good. 

coal field tent

coal mining industry

This new storage coal shed will be a new way to transform closed storage. As far as possible, the coal mining industry can also move to green new development.

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