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Aluminum alloy environmental protection tent, quickly solve the problem of environmental pollution

2022-01-08 16:00

   With the continuous development of social economy and the gradual improvement of industrial technology, the problem of environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. Air, land and aquatic environment and many other aspects have been seriously damaged, even more serious global warming and frequent natural disasters. In particular, the problem of dust in mining requires that it cannot produce pollution, so the construction environment of many enterprises requires rectification. So in the face of such a large mining area, how to build a large enough space in a short period of time to solve the problem of environmental protection coverage? High mountain canopy room for you to answer!

   For mining ground conditions and cost considerations, aluminium alloy tents as temporary structures are perfect. The high mountain tents can provide span of 3-70 meters, length is unlimited, height can be customized to meet the space needs of mining industry. The construction method adopts the fast operation of modularization, without tedious foundation processing, large area of construction and coverage, no internal beam and column, internal can work freely, in and out of large vehicles, very convenient.

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   Conventional construction is aluminum alloy structure, light and convenient and good safety performance, can be used outdoors for a long time, the wall can choose PVC knife scraping coating cloth, rain proof, mildew proof fire and can effectively suppress dust, safe space to meet the requirements of environmental protection and low cost, at the same time aluminum alloy canopy can be customized mining independent needs, such as: Conveyor belt demand, in and out of vehicles demand, ventilation demand, dust removal demand, to meet the needs of coal mining mining, easy to operate and is very economic and practical.

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Gaoshan's personalized customization service can customize different sizes, different shapes of awning, but also provide perfect supporting facilities to meet the different needs of enterprises. And with experienced engineering construction team, using German production technology, the service life can reach more than 10 years. We will uphold the "honest and trustworthy, customer service, continuous management" concept, dedicated to provide you with reasonable space solutions!

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