The difference between Aluminium tent and conventional building
2020-01-16 10:26Because of aluminum tent flexible assembly and disassembly, fast transportation and convenient storage, Aluminium tent is called “mobile property”. It is widely used in industrial warehousing, logistics and distribution, various outdoor exhibitions, sports events. Moreover, aluminum tents can be used in tourism, business gatherings, celebrations, business promotion, military applications, disaster relief and other temporary activities.
The aluminium tents have gradually appeared in people's daily outdoor activities in recent years, such as outdoor exhibitions. As an extension of the exhibition hall, outdoor tents have given many enterprises and merchants a better choice for displaying goods. Outdoor celebration tents and wedding tents become the fashionable and personalized choice for many young people.
Gaoshan tent is made up of aluminum alloy frame and PVC fabric. It is flexible and easy to assemble and disassemble. It can be folded into a small volume, which is easy to transport. The PVC fabric is also an important part of the tent, which has the best quality, water proof, UV resistant, fire retardant and long life. Therefore, the high quality Gaoshan PVC fabric is also one of our advantages.
The difference between aluminium tent and conventional building:
(1) Superior combination of features, stretching infinite space.
(2) Flexible assembly, fast transportation and convenient storage.
(3) More economical. Aluminum tents can be reused multiple times for a variety of activities.
(4) More individuality. Various sizes, shapes and accessories can decorate a lot of styles and satisfy customer’s needs.