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You must know the main styles of European tents before make a decision

2021-09-22 17:10

1. Pagoda tent. European style pagoda tent is the most classic one in the types of European style tents. It can bring unlimited creativity to activities, improve the quality of activities and the image of outdoor activities of enterprises. It is suitable for wedding, exhibition reception, conference entrance and other areas. It can be built in glass, beach, lakeside, park and other places. The combination of multiple groups of pagoda will be more eye-catching.


2. A shape tent. From the appearance, it looks like the letter A. It is often called A-shaped tent or marquee tent. It is a large-area tent with clear span structure. There is no pillar inside and the space utilization rate is high. It is especially suitable for storage or warehouse, exhibition hall, reception, conference room, new product show, etc. It is also a classic caravan product among the types of European tent.

 Pagoda tent

3. Combined tent. At present, the tent industry is developing rapidly. Many conventional marquee have been difficult to meet the special needs of customers. The emergence of combined tents has greatly solved the problems of many customers. Among the types of European style caravans, we can combine the spire with the herringbone type, or combine the spire with the house type, etc, which can present the mixed splicing caravans of special shapes we want in our hearts, so as to bring better visual effects.

 A shape tent.

4. Dome tent. As one of the European style tents, the dome tent has entered the market for many years and has become the highlight of the tent industry. With unique and beautiful appearance, smooth lines and no less functional use than other caravan products, it can be used for wedding banquets, parties, exhibitions and other activities. However, because of its high cost, many customers have not used the dome tent.


As a tent manufacturer with many years of experience in marquee production and construction, Gaoshan tent has all the tent products mentioned above. In addition, there are many other European caravan products, such as curve tent, peach tent, polygonal tent, etc.

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Pagoda tent

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